June 5 1721 Marriage contract -t

Duplisea Duplessis and Sirois Genealogy by Mark S Duplisea 



Marriage contract between  FRANCOIS SIROIS dit DUPLESY and MARIE FRANCOISE ROY 
(Written 5 June 1721 and recorded by Etienne Janneau, Notary)

Original : French

English translation

Par devant Etienne Janneau, notaire royal des Seigneurie De La Boutteillerie, Port Jolly, grande ance et Les Kamouraska et rivierre du Loup, et temoins ci bas nommé, furent present; Francois Sirois dis Duplesy habitant demeurent dans la seigneurie de la Bouteillerie, né natif de St Germain En les, Eveché de paris, fils de feu Jean Sirois et de Marie Engelique dumon, ses perre et Merre, pour luy  et en son nom, et Pierre Roy, habitant, demeurent au Grand Kamouraska, stipullent pour Marie Francoise Roy, sa fille, aussi present et de son consentment d'autre part, lesquelle ditte partie de lavis et conseil de leurs dis parent et amis pour ce assemblé.

C'est a savoir de la part du ce Sirois, Francois Hautin; son beau pere, Jean Francois Hautin; son beau frere, Pierre Roy; son beau frere, Augustin Ouellet,  son beau frere, Jean Dion,  son oncle,  Josephautin, Tous parent du ce Sirois, comme ayant epouzé feu Marianne Thiboutot.

 Et de la pars de la ditre RoyPierre Roy, son perre, Angellique Hautin, sa belle mere, Jean Baptiste Martin, son oncle maternel, Le sieur Gabriel Paradis, Genevieve Roy, sa soeur. Tous parens et amis communs des dittes partie.

A este faite le trette et convention de Mariage qui s'ensuit. C'est a savoir que le (dit) Sirois et la ditte Roy ce sont promis et promettre se prende par loi en nom de mariage et juttey du mariage faire sellebrer et sallemmeniser fere en face de Notre Mere Sainte Eglise Catholic et Apostolique et Romaine, Le plutot que faire se poura et advisé sera entre eux et leur (dit) parent et amis pour etre comme un et seron unis comme un en tous bien meuble et immeuble acquis et conquisde le jour de leur Benediction nuptuelle. Et ne seron les dis future epoux et epouze tenue au dept et hipoteque faute excree avant leurs dis mariage et seron payée et acquitée du cauté d'ou elle procedron et sur leur bien.

Et le future epoux prendera la ditte future epouze avec tous les drois  a elle appartenant pour etre mis dans la ditte communauté prouvenant par son menaqement a la resvue de la somme de vingt sixte qui lui ????  passer la part de la succession des meuble de feu Marie Martin, sa mere, temoins le sous a la somme de trois cent vingt-deux livres, parru dans la ditre communauté par la ditte future epouze. 

Et si ensicas que le future epoux vien d'aller ?innie autrepas avant la ditre futeur epouze, se sera a son chois de partager, ou de renoncer dans la ditre communauté, et dans porter quitté franchement tous ce quelle y a prendre avec son lit et linge, a son huisage qui ??? ??? franchement avec les bague et gayaux, hors par  era d'inventaires. Et la ditre epouze partager dans les bien  ?? peux avoir le future jusque a presens,  tous comme un de ses enfens, et jury a este accordentre les ditre partie. 

Fais se et passé au Grand Kamouraska dans la maison du ce Roy, ce cinquieme jour de Juin, mil sept cent vingtun, en presense des parens et amis sublaige. Et la ditre future epouze a declaré ne savoir signer et les Hautin, Dion, Martin, Ouellet  de ce anquis interpetté suivent L'ordonnance .....

Before Etienne Jeanneau, Royal Notary of La Boutteillerie, Port Jolly, Grande Anse, Kamouraska and Rivière du Loup and the witnesses named below appeared Francois Sirois dis Duplesy, inhabitant of  the Seigneurie of La Bouteillerie,  a native of St Germaine En Laye, Diocese of Paris, son of the late Jean Sirois and of Marie Engelique dumon, his father and mother,  him representing, and Pierre Roy, inhabitant of  Grand Kamouraska, standing for Marie Francoise Roy, his daughter, also present and consenting for the other party. Which said parties from the advice and counsel of their said relatives and friends join together.

Let it be known on behalf of the said Sirois, Francois Hautin his father-in-law, Jean Francois Hautin his brother-in-law, Pierre Roy his brother-in-law, Augustin Ouellet his brother-in-law, Jean Dion his uncle, Josephautin, all relatives of the said Sirois from his marriage to the late Marianne Thiboutot.

On the side of the said Roy, Pierre Roy her father and Angellique Hautin her step-mother, Jean Baptiste Martin her maternal uncle, Sir Gabriel Paradis, Genevieve Roy her sister, all relatives and friends of  the said party.

The marriage contract which follows is thus made. Let it be known that the said Sirois and the said Roy, have and do promise to take one another in marriage according to law and by marriage contract and to celebrate and to solemnize their marriage according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Roman, Apostolic, and Catholic Church, as soon as is possible will be affirmed between them and among their said relatives and friends to be one and as one in common in all their current and future possessions, purchchased or acquired, from the very day of their wedding mass. The said future husband and wife will not be held in debt or mortgage entered into before their said marriage, which will be paid and discharged. 

The future husband will take the future wife and provide her the necessary maintenance and support to which she is entitled. All her belongings will become part of their shared estate with the exception of twenty six?? coming from her inheritance of the material possessions of the late Marie Martin, her mother and also the sum of 322 livres brought into the joint estate by the said future wife. 

In  the event that the said future husband is deceased before the said future wife, it will be her choice to share in the estate or to renounce it and take back out of the joint estate all she brought in,  even her bed and clothes, along with her rings and  jewelry. And the said wife will share the material possessions acquired from this moment and also those items to be bestowed between these parties, on a basis equal to one of his own children.

Signed and sealed at Kamouraska in the home of the Roy family this fifth day of June Seventeen hundred twenty-one in the presence of relatives and friends. And the future wife declared that she did not know how to read or write and the Hautins, Dions, Martins, Ouellets were summoned to answer this enquiry, according to the law


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© Mark Duplisea